Do You Need An Upgrade? Or Are You Just Craving A New Smartphone?

With every new release, smartphones are becoming more technologically advanced than ever. They improve in design, style, battery, and storage. iPhone’s iOS is getting better, making you want to get your hands on it. Samsung has mastered the art of seamless screen displays that make your current phone seem outdated next to it. Smartphone companies do everything in their power to compel you to buy their newest model—whether it’s tempting you in with their super-smart tech features or offering a lifelong battery guarantee. But do you really need to invest in a new one? Your current smartphone can last as long as you want it to. A few effortless ways of taking care of your smartphone include using a tempered screen protector, a back case and having a strong grip to protect it from falling. Here are a few questions you should ask yourself if you find yourself thinking about getting a new phone all too often: Are There Other More Important Things In...