3 Tips To Prevent Your iPhone From Getting Scratched
Apple users manage to break their iPhone screens faster than the time it takes to get through a box of their organic nutrition bars. In fact, if you pay close attention, thousands of iPhone owners are carrying an iPhone with a cracked, scratched, or broken screens. And there’s a reason for that: they can’t get them fixed because the repair costs are way too high. A scratched screen might not seem like much of a problem. But when you leave it as is, a minor scratch can become a huge crack, eventually rendering your phone useless. That’s why it’s best to take precautionary measures before your iPhone is irrevocably damaged. Putting it in your pocket with a set of keys, dropping it on the floor face down, or just rubbing it on any surface that’s rough can lead to scratches. The following are some measures you can take to keep your iPhone safe: Screen Protectors The most obvious way to protect your iPhone from scratches is by using a screen protector. Some iPhone user...