3 Computer System Maintenance Tips

With the pandemic still raging on, we have become even more dependent on technology to remain connected. However, your computer system is like any other machinery. It needs timely maintenance so that its performance and functionality are not negatively affected. By keeping your system maintained, you also increase its lifespan and avoid any costly repairs. Here are a few computer system maintenance tips: 1) Keeping Your Operating System Updated Make sure your operating system is updated, regardless of whether you’re using MAC or Windows. If your OS isn’t up-to-date, you'll notice that it'll start to become slower. Windows 10 keeps its users for any known updates with once-a-day update checks. As for the MAC users, go to the apple icon on the top left corner of your screen, go to system preferences, click the app store, and look for new updates. Updating your OS is also the easiest way to boost the performance of your computer system. 2) Avoid Overcharging Laptop users tend to l...