5 Signs That You Need to Change Your Phone Right Away

Do you find your phone's battery life running out pretty quickly? Do you constantly have to recharge it? Is the screen is now scratchy all over? Have some apps recently stopped working on your phone or been freezing up a lot? You might be due for a new phone. Here are five signs that you need to change your old cell phone right away: 1. Your Phone's Battery Life is Short A common issue with older phones is that the battery starts to lose its ability to hold a charge . This is definitely one sign that signifies it's time to go back and get another model. Plus, if the battery starts dying more quickly, it will likely affect other areas of the phone as well, such as its functionality, speed, and responsiveness. 2. Your Phone is Dropping Calls Frequently Dropped calls are not only annoying but could be a sign of something more serious with the phone itself. This means it could be time to replace your old model due to poor quality or bad service reception by your phone . Of co...