Does Your iPad Mini Require Screen Replacement?

So you bought an iPad mini thinking it would be a great investment? After all, the gadget looks cute!

But at the same time, it is sturdy, and of course, it is by Apple, and they just launched the new iPad air, so what is not to love about it? 

But then, one day, you took it to the beach so you could read for a while or maybe get some work done. 

Or the kids wanted to play a few games, and since it is all educational, you thought, ‘hey, why not?’ 

 Of course, you went ahead with the protector and made the rules clear.  

 But the iPad mini didn’t seem so tough anymore. 

 And then, one day, it happened. 

Not the little scratches that come from regular use but an incident that rendered your iPad mini’s screen useless. 

But how do you decide if and when your iPad mini’s screen has to be repaired or replaced? Here’s how:

About the iPad mini’s screen:

The iPad mini six has had its fair share of issues, like the jelly scrolling distortion on its screen. Many of its customers found that the device was quite delicate and required a lot of care. Even more so, the technicians who fixed the screens and the iPads themselves found the device came with a bit of drama. 

But here are three circumstances you will probably need to get your iPad mini’s screen replaced. And here is how to know if it is just a software or design issue!

1. Your iPad Mini’s Screen is Cracked

Sure, you have been ignoring the scratches on your iPad mini’s screen, putting it off long enough, stalling the process of sending it over for a repair. 


But now that you have thrown it across the room like a frustrated Anna Delvey waiting for her loan to be approved, the screen is completely shattered. It goes without saying that it is time to get your iPad mini screen replaced.

 2. Your iPad mini’s screen is flickering 

So you noticed that your iPad mini’s screen has recently started flickering. 

 Don’t be too quick in getting the screen replaced. Sometimes, it is an outdated app or an incorrect software update that can result in a flickering screen. 

However, if the problem is not resolved by troubleshooting, removing the app, or rebooting the device, it could be a hardware issue. 

 Don’t worry. It can be fixed. 

 3. Your iPad’s screen has water damage 

The idea of using our iPad to read while soaking in for a nice warm bath or at the beach sounds relaxing, but it could be more stressful in the long run because, hey, accidents happen.

We get it! Water damage can lead to your screen not working properly.

This is why at NWA Cell phone repair, we offer screen replacement for your iPad mini. Regardless of the issue- (sometimes the screen is just faulty), we have parts and screens of the iPad mini and can replace yours to make your iPad brand new. So get in touch with us today.


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